FAQ по игре MU Online > Ancient Sets
Часть 1: Сеты на Dark Knight/Blade Knight
Cеты (комплекты) на Dark Knight/Blade Knight, Dark Wizard/Soul Master, Fairy Elf/Muse Elf, Magic Gladiator с уникальными опциями
Дата: 10.05.07, 19:49
Средняя оценка участников (от 1 до 10): 7.73   
Проголосовавших: 159 с 12.05.07, 16:34

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2 - Плохо
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8 - Очень хорошо
9 - Отлично
10 - Идеально

Ancient Sets

Пример ancient вещи: Anubis Legendary Armor

Ancient сеты – это комплекты обычных вещей в MU Online, но с улучшенными параметрами и уникальными сетовыми опциями.

Каждый сет имеет собственное название. Особенность опций ancient сетов состоит в том, что они включаются не сразу, а по мере надевания сетовых вещей. Т.е. с каждой новой одетой на персонажа вещью из ancient сета включается новая ancient опция (или несколько опций). Все опции сета включатся, только когда на персонаже будет одет весь ancient set данного типа. Активированные опции подсвечиваются синим на любой вещи сета. Они также приведены в списке "Set Option", который находится над слотом Helm в инвентаре.

Помимо сетовых опций на каждой ancient вещи есть опция +5 или +10 Stamina/Agility/Strength/Energy.

Также игроки сервера Murdrum MU Online могут добавлять Excellent опции на Ancient вещи. Добавить опции вы можете на сайте в услугах.

Владельцы full. opt. сетов не могут использовать эту возможность. Для апгрейда своих сетов до full. opt. excellent ancient сетов обращайтесь к администраторам сервера.

Сеты на Dark Knight/Blade Knight

Комплекты ancient-вещей для DK/BK, существующие на сервере Murdrum MuOnline.

Warrior Leather Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Leather Helm
Leather Armor
Leather Pants
Leather Boots
Leather Gloves
Ring of Ice
Morning Star
Increase Strength +10
Increase Skill Attacking Rate +10
Increase Max AG +20
Increase AG Rate +5
Increase Defense +20
Increase Agility +10
Increase Critical Damage Rate +5%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +5%
Increase Strength +25

Hyperion Bronze Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Bronze Armor
Bronze Pants
Bronze Boots
Increase Energy +15
Increase Agility +15
Increase Skill Attacking Rate +20
Increase Mana Recovery +30

Eplete Scale Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Scale Helm
Scale Armor
Scale Pants
Plate Shield
Pendant of Lightning
Increase Skill Attacking Rate +15
Increase Damage Success Rate +50
Increase Wizardry Damage +5%
Increase HP Recovery +50
Increase Max AG +30
Increase Critical Damage Rate +10%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +10%

Garuda Brass Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Brass Armor
Brass Pants
Brass Boots
Brass Gloves
Pendant of Fire
Increase Max AG +30
Double Damage Rate 5%
Increase Energy +15
Increase HP Recovery +50
Increase Skill Attacking Rate +25
Increase Wizardry Damage +15%

Kantata Plate Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Plate Armor
Plate Boots
Plate Gloves
Ring of Wind
Ring of Poison
Increase Energy +15
Increase Stamina +30
Increase Wizardry Damage +10%
Increase Strength +15
Increase Skill Attacking Rate +25
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +10%
Increase Excellent Damage +20

Hyon Dragon Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Dragon Helm
Dragon Gloves
Dragon Boots
Lightning Sword
Increase Defense +25
Double Damage Rate +10%
Increase Skill Attacking Rate +20
Increase Critical Damage Rate +15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20

Lucid Nightmare Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Nightmare Armor
Nightmare Boots
Nightmare Gloves
Nightmare Helm
Nightmare Pants
Increase Strength +125
Increase Damage +75
Increase Excellent Damage +75
Increase Max Damage +75
Increase Critical Damage +75
Increase Agility +125
Increase Max Damage +75
Increase Defense +50
Increase Critical Damage Rate +15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +15%
Increase Defense with Shield +8%
Ignore Enemy's Defense +5%
Double Damage Rate +10%

Silent Assassin Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Assassin Armor
Assassin Boots
Assassin Gloves
Assassin Helm
Assassin Pants
Increase Strength +150
Increase Damage +100
Increase Excellent Damage +100
Increase Max Damage +100
Increase Critical Damage +100
Increase Agility +150
Increase Max Damage +100
Increase Defense +75
Increase Critical Damage Rate +17%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +17%
Increase Defense with Shield +11%
Ignore Enemy's Defense +6%
Double Damage Rate +13%

Wyvern Blue Dragon Set
Комплект Ancient опции
Blue Dragon Armor
Blue Dragon Boots
Blue Dragon Gloves
Blue Dragon Helm
Blue Dragon Pants
Increase Strength +175
Increase Damage +125
Increase Excellent Damage +125
Increase Max Damage +125
Increase Critical Damage +125
Increase Agility +175
Increase Max Damage +125
Increase Defense +100
Increase Critical Damage Rate +19%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +19%
Increase Defense with Shield +15%
Ignore Enemy's Defense +7%
Double Damage Rate +16%

Majority & Tribal Boss Sets
Комплект Ancient опции
Majority Boss Armor
Majority Boss Helm
Majority Boss Pants
Tribal Boss Boots
Tribal Boss Gloves
Increase Strength +200
Increase Damage +150
Increase Excellent Damage +150
Increase Max Damage +150
Increase Critical Damage +150
Increase Critical Damage Rate +21%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +21%
Increase Critical Damage +150
Increase Agility +200
Increase Strength +200
Increase Excellent Damage +150
Increase Max Damage +150
Increase Defense +125
Increase Defense with Shield +18%
Ignore Enemy's Defense +8%
Double Damage Rate +19%

Fractal & Abyss Chaos Sets
Комплект Ancient опции
Fractal Chaos Armor
Fractal Chaos Helm
Fractal Chaos Pants
Abyss Chaos Boots
Abyss Chaos Gloves
Increase Strength +225
Increase Damage +175
Increase Excellent Damage +175
Increase Max Damage +175
Increase Critical Damage +175
Increase Critical Damage Rate +23%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +23%
Increase Critical Damage +175
Increase Agility +225
Increase Strength +225
Increase Excellent Damage +175
Increase Max Damage +175
Increase Defense +150
Increase Defense with Shield +22%
Ignore Enemy's Defense +9%
Double Damage Rate +22%

Javan & White Rhino Sets
Комплект Ancient опции
Javan Rhino Armor
Javan Rhino Helm
Javan Rhino Pants
White Rhino Boots
White Rhino Gloves
Increase Strength +250
Increase Damage +200
Increase Excellent Damage +200
Increase Max Damage +200
Increase Critical Damage +200
Increase Critical Damage Rate +25%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate +25%
Increase Critical Damage +200
Increase Agility +250
Increase Strength +250
Increase Excellent Damage +200
Increase Max Damage +200
Increase Defense +175
Increase Defense with Shield +25%
Ignore Enemy's Defense +10%
Double Damage Rate +25%

См. также опции обычных и Excellent вещей, Harmony-опции, PvP-опции.

Часть:  1   2   3   4   5   6 
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